Jonas has traveled to Washington to testify before a Senate committee about the need to raise money for juvenile diabetes. In addition, he has created public service announcements and commercials to spread awareness about his cause.
Jonas has also designed dog tags for people with diabetes and their supporters. The tags include a “medic alert.” Jonas has become a spokesperson for the Bayer CONTOUR meter, a device that measures how blood-sugar levels. He wrote the lyrics to the song “A Little Big Longer” about his experience living with diabetes.
Through Nick Simple Wins, Jonas invites children ages 6 to 18 to document their everyday experiences in the Express Your Simple Win Contest. Winners have their projects posted on a section of the Nicks Simple Wins Web site and become eligible to win the grand prize — meeting Jonas in person. Nick also advocates for Change For The Children, an organization that he and his brothers started to empower children to face obstacles with self-assurance.
you can read the rest of the article HERE
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